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Project Development Overview

Solar PV & Energy Storage

Electrolytic Hydrogen & Derivatives

Underground Hydrogen Storage

LNG as Marine Fuel

Green energy & derivatives value chain financial modeling and structuring

Comprehensive Capabilities

Greenstone is active as “pure - play” developer across multiple energy, energy transition, and zero-to-low fuels segments.

We have an established history of securing actionable energy project sites, including successful prosecution of Federal, State, and local entitlements.

We have developed and use best-in-class project finance structuring tools and financial models, incorporating latest tax incentives and tax credit monetization alternatives.

Solar PV & Energy Storage

Developer of utility-scale Solar PV projects, with particular expertise identification of superior project sites for Solar energy generation, hands-on management of entitlement process, interconnection and offtake opportunities.

In 2011, Greenstone opened the Arizona rural electric cooperative market for solar PV projects under long-term power purchase agreements.

Credit: JapanGov

Water-Electrolytic (“Green”) Hydrogen

Greenstone is developer of a 100MW+ water-electrolytic hydrogen “Mysterious Island” project in Mohave County, Arizona, having secured and rezoned several thousand acres to host off-grid, large-scale solar PV energy generation, as part of a forward-integrated Liquid H2 Facility close to the California state border.

Underground Hydrogen Storage

Project finance modeling and financial structuring involving water-electrolytic hydrogen generation and associated above-ground and underground (salt dome) infrastructures for projects in Arizona and in the Gulf of Mexico (Houston area).

LNG as Marine Fuel

Starting in 2014 our professionals collaborated with Lloyd’s Register to lay the foundation for use of LNG-as-a-marine-fuel in the United States, including coastal transport and bunkering infrastructure.  We developed financial modeling tools to assist major vessel operators and owners in analyzing comparative bunker fuel costs.

From 2016-19 we worked alongside Hawaii Gas, then a Macquarie portfolio company, to establish an end-to-end marine infrastructure for natural gas delivery, via VLGC, FSU, and shuttle/bunker vessels, structured under long-term gas supply agreements and chartering arrangements.